Sizga eng yaqin bo'lganlarga g'amxo'rlik bilan eng yaxshi sifat, arzon narxlar!
Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri uyga etkazib berish xizmati ommalashmoqda. Bu, ayniqsa, keksalar, nogironlar va kichik bolalarning ota-onalariga tegishli.
Bu juda qulay. Yilning istalgan vaqtida, kunning istalgan vaqtida, shaharning istalgan burchagida. Kerakli mahsulotni qidirishda uzoq vaqt davomida do'konga borishingiz shart emas. Internet-do'konlarning paydo bo'lishi bilan siz do'kon katalogidagi barcha kerakli mahsulotlarni tanlashingiz, ushbu mahsulotni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri uyingizga etkazib berish xususiyatlari va buyurtmasi bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.
Samarqandda oziq-ovqat etkazib berish
Samakarkand shahridagi Dostavo4ka onlayn-do'koni 100 dan ortiq toifadagi turli xil tovarlarning keng assortimentini taklif etadi. Bizda non mahsulotlari va qurilish materiallari bor.
Buyurtmaning qulayligi
Mahsulotlarni veb-saytga buyurtma berish orqali, elektron pochta orqali yoki telefon raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qilib sotib olishingiz mumkin. Tajribali mutaxassislar buyurtma to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishga yordam beradi va agar kerak bo'lsa, hatto ta'mirlash ishlarining ba'zi nozikliklarini taklif qiladi.
Sifat tekshiruvi
Do'kon mahsulotlari ISO 9001 standarti bo'yicha tovarlarning sifatiga mos keladi.
To'lov va etkazib berish
Tovarlarni etkazib berish buyurtma qilingan paytdan boshlab ikki soat ichida yoki siz uchun qulay vaqtda va kunda amalga oshiriladi. Siz kurerga mollarni naqd yoki karta orqali to'lashingiz mumkin.
Qaytish opsiyasi
Tovarlarni qabul qilgandan va vizual tekshiruvdan so'ng siz tashqi ko'rinishdan, sifatdan qoniqmasangiz yoki ushbu mahsulotga ehtiyoj yo'qolgan bo'lsa, tovarni almashtirish yoki qaytarib berishni so'rashingiz mumkin. Bu sizning qonun bilan to'liq ta'minlangan huquqingizdir. Siz kurerdan buyurtmani qabul qilib, chekni olganingizdan so'ng, qonunga binoan, sizga biron bir narsa mos kelmasa, tovarlarni 14 kun ichida qaytarib berishingiz yoki almashtirishingiz mumkin.
Dostavo4ka do'koni katta afzalliklarga ega. Agar ortiqcha bo'lsa yoki sizga mos kelmasa, mahsulotni 360 kun ichida qaytarib berishingiz mumkin. Masalan, siz bir nechta oshxona pichog'ini yoki bir nechta sumka ko'mirni oldingiz, ammo hamma narsa siz uchun foydali emas edi - siz xavfsiz tarzda qaytib kelishingiz mumkin.
Ob'ektni qaytarish juda oson.
Xaridorning qaytarish deklaratsiyasi talab qilinadi. Bizning do'konimizdan kvitansiya mavjudligi. Mahsulotning tegishli ko'rinishi va saqlash muddati. Dostavo4ka mutaxassislari xaridning amal qilish muddatini tekshiradi, tovarlarning tashqi ko'rinishi va yaroqlilik muddatlarini tekshiradi va siz mol uchun pulni qaytarib olishingiz mumkin.
Almashish va qaytarish tartibi birinchi qarashda ko'rinadiganidan ancha osonroq. Shuning uchun, uni ishlatishdan qo'rqmang va uyda keraksiz xaridlarni tejab qo'ymang.
Best quality, low prices with care for your loved ones!
Food delivery service is becoming more and more popular right to your home. This is especially true for the elderly, people with disabilities, and parents of young children.
This is very convenient. At any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any corner of the city. You don't have to go shopping for a long time to find the right product. With the advent of online stores, you can choose all the necessary products in the store's catalog, get acquainted with the characteristics and order delivery of this product directly to your home.
Food delivery in Samarkand
Dostavo4ka online store in Samakarkand offers a wide range of various products in more than 100 categories. Everything is available: from bakery products to building materials.
Ease of ordering
You can buy products by placing an order on the website, by email, or by calling the phone number. Experienced specialists will help you decide on the order and even tell you some of the subtleties of repair work, if necessary.
Quality assurance
The store's products meet the quality of goods according to the ISO 9001 standard.
Payment and delivery
Delivery of goods is carried out within two hours from the moment of order, or at a convenient time and day for you. You can pay for the goods to the courier either in cash or by card.
The possibility of a return
After receiving the product and visual inspection, you can ask for an exchange or return of the product if you are not satisfied with the appearance, quality, or the need for this product has disappeared. This is entirely your right under the law. After you have accepted the order from the courier and received the receipt, you can still return or exchange the product within 14 days if you are not satisfied with something.
The Dostavo4ka store has a big advantage. You can return the product even within 360 days, if there is an extra one or it doesn't fit you. For example, you took several sets of kitchen knives or several bags of charcoal, but all of them were not useful to you – you can safely make a refund.
It is extremely easy to return the product.
The buyer's request for a refund is required. Availability of our store's receipt. Appropriate appearance and shelf life of the product. Dostavo4ka specialists will check the validity of the purchase, check the appearance of the product and expiration dates, and you can get a refund for the product.
The exchange and refund procedure is much easier than it might seem at first glance. So don't be afraid to use it and don't save up unnecessary purchases at home.
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